Monday, February 11, 2013

Avramopoulos avoided the meeting with Berisha in Munich

Cause: The irridentism statement of Berisha, "Albanian in 5 states, where they live"

Explanations about the statement of Berisha, also asked MP of Golden Dawn, Christos Pappas

At the Annual Conference for Security (MSC) held in Munich attended by both Albania's Prime Minister Sali Berisha and Greece by Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos.

At the conference, Mr. Dimitris Avramopoulos had, among other things, meeting with the Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan k.Elmar Mammadyarov. During their discussion, the two ministers gave particular emphasis to the issue of pipeline gas Transadriatic Pipeline (TAP). At the same time agreed to sign the intergovernmental agreement on the Nabucco Transadriatic Pipeline (TAP) to be held in Athens next Wednesday.

According to reports, among other things, individual contacts with Mr. Avramopoulos has sought to Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha. The meeting was not the minister finally after hearing the remarks of diplomats that it was not necessary as long as the cause continues Tirana Athens with irredentist positions and maintain subcutaneous volume.

The conference is held yearly and is the largest international forum on global security, while the character is informal General Assembly of the United Nations High Commissioner for Foreign and Defence Ministers of member countries of the international organization.

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