Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Albanians protest outside the consulate in Thessaloniki, on the issue of place names in passports

A Protest outside the consulate in Thessaloniki, held Albanians residing in Greece, asking for a solution to the display of place names in their passports.

The issue is pending for more than six months, and in passports issued by Albania entered the city and the country of origin of the holder with Albanian symbols as pronounced in the Albanian language, and not as it is the international designation and English writing. Greece is on the side of requesting the declaration of toponyms be done in accordance with that provided at European level for translations of official travel documents.

The involvement mainly affects young children of Albanian born in our country and given their passports translated into Albanian, as birthplace, Greek town and Greece as country of birth. Because of this engagement "trapped" in our country and can not visit the country and come back again in our country, nor may consider other documents depositing their passport to the Greek authorities.

The consular authorities expect the Albanian Foreign Ministry, if there is agreement with the Greek authorities on this subject, in time to inform their nationals living in the country for any development

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