Thursday, January 31, 2013

The "Golden Dawn" Statement 

The response of  the "Golden Dawn" for declaring the MP Christos Pappas as "Persona non grata" in Albania

The list of undesirable persons in Albania, has registered the name of Deputies of the "Golden Dawn" Christos Pappas, according to reports in the Albanian media.

After his statements about autonomy and the possibility of military intervention in Northern Epirus, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edmonton Panariti, has declared for Pappas, as «persona non grata».
Information indicates that to Albanian FM Panariti has already asked the Ministry of Interior of the country to stop the entering of the Greek nationalists in Albanian territory.

The rival of Christos Pappas in an interview in Albanian channel does not mince his words at all and said bluntly and talked about the Protocol of Corfu signed by Albania itself and has no respect for the war between Greece and Albania, has officially lifted, the origin of the Albanians and their story about illegal immigration and crime in Greece and many others ..

As pointed out by rival of Pappas purpose was to remind everyone that Northern Epirus is Greek is enslaved and that the Golden Dawn does not forget our Greek brothers and fights for the rights of Hellenism. This indeed was the message at the end of the interview:

"Courage to our Brothers ...! ... we never do not forget you, we are back to you. We will liberate the  Northern Epirus and Greeks."

These words scare Albanians who are used to favor cowards to governments in recent years silent in front of falsifying history and challenges. Albanians inside and outside of our country, know very well that the Golden Dawn is the third political force in Greece and soon their promiscuity will end with their worst nightmares come true.

"The Greek Nationalist Movement will be at the forefront of the struggle for the preservation of national honor and Greeks of Northern Epirus", ends the statement of the Golden Dawn to Tirana.

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