Sunday, January 27, 2013


Serbian Association opens office in Fier

The Association of Serbs,, has opened an office in the city of Fier, south west of

Present at the ceremony was the Ambassador of Serbia to Albania. Miroljub Zaric, who speaking of Presevo, stressed that ad here to the declaration made by the Serbian Foreign Ministry. In these statements accused Albania that is creating instability in the region, 'interfering in the internal affairs of Serbia', as they call it the case of the removal of the statue of UCPMB from Presevo.

With regard to statements made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia on the issue of Presevo, we stick to them, as we seek to have good relations with its neighbors but also with Kosovo. Good relations with neighbors are the condition for Serbia to integrate into the EU.

Zaric said further that "Serbia is ready for good bilateral relations."

During the opening of kësja office, spoke the head of the Association of Serbs in our country Eqerem Duleviç. According to him, "There are about 2500 members of the Serbian community in the district of Fier, most in live in Libofsha and in some other areas," as said Duleviç.

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