Monday, January 28, 2013

INTERVIEW / with the Parliament Head Group of the Golden Dawn, Christos Pappas:

Kristos Papas në emisionin e Artur Zhejit
Kristos Papas në emisionin e Artur Zhejit

For the freedom of the North Epirus, we will ask even the Greek Army.

"Albania is not a state"

"Skanderbeg was Greek"

"Chamuria is Greek land"

Christos Papas everything to journalist Artur Zheji

"I'm talking beyond NATO. Albania should keep its firm and this means that it must implement the Protocol of Corfu, which gives autonomy to Northern Epirus. This would be an important step to alleviate any problem that exists Greek-Albanian relations. autonomy should be given to and signed by you, Northern Epirus. It is an agreement that is in place, there needs to be applied. want to tell you that there is a law of war between Albania and Greece. Martial law is not repealed by a Papoulias statement, or with a foreign ministry statement. law of war vote in parliament and is not officially abolished and therefore are at war. This flag was shamefulness attacking Greece. We are still in state of war ".

Christos Papas, the Greek neo-Nazi party deputy Golden Dawn, has given an interview to Arthur Zhejin, who initiated the program "360 degrees" on News 24. As I shake Zheji for the Albanian flag before the face, it emits the most serious charges against Albanians

Mr. Papas, your party Golden Dawn is a party which has put Hellenism and Greek national interests in the foreground. Do you think that Greece is in danger and is there in your opinion a conspiracy against Greece?

Before you answer I greet you and I also greet all our brothers, the Greeks of Northern Epirus perhaps follow us on this show and say you will not forget you and we are close to you. Regarding your question really answer that Golden Dawn is an ethnic party, which fights for the rights of Hellenism and I had the honor and joy to operate. Regarding conspiracy, I think it is not only Greece at the center of international  found all the peoples of the world. Globalization and the new order is a threat to all nations, it is also a danger for your people.

There is a great curiosity in the Albanian audience, the dilemma exists or does not exist Northern Epirus. In your opinion there is Northern Epirus and there on what arguments support this thesis?

Initially, Northern Epirus is a name that dates back to the beginning of the last century, so the twentieth century, particularly after 1914. For us, there is not historically the name of Northern Epirus in the sense that Southern Epirus and Northern Epirus. Epirus is One and there is a Greek Epirus is a part of it at the moment is in foreign hands, in the hands of the state. Of course the name has remained and have done our best, and use. What I want to emphasize, and it shows the decline of the power of the Greek, Greek is the official policy considers Northern-stop label Epirus. Ministry of Foreign Affairs is afraid to use the name of Northern Epirus. Therefore, we are very proud as a party, and I personally, that forced the vice / Foreign Minister of Greece, Mr.. Ciara, accept the Greek parliament hall and pronounce the name of Northern Epirus. Furthermore, answering our questions, Mr.. Ciara said that he is Northern Epiriot. Because we believe that the Greek government is sold to foreign interests to international usurers, to Americans, consider our own achievement, although the talks off the record, to the Minister of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that Northern Epirus us is in our hearts and we do as much as we can because this situation! Can not more!//////////////////

continues in Albanian:

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